Monday, January 27, 2014

Neighbourhood Networks in Central Alberta

Since the beginning of 2014, representatives from seven neighbourhoods in Central Alberta have gathered to share how we can become healthier neighbourhoods.  One area of focus is to love your neighbour with pure motive; with no strings attached.  It is good to check your motives when loving your neighbours.  Sometimes we find ourselves motivated by other means:  to rally support for your cause, to use them for theirr influence, to trade favours, or even to get them to "go to church".  Simply put, neighbours may wonder why you love them even when you have no strings attached.  In fact, loving your neighbour with pure motives may help you to move forward without disappointment.  If we love with ulterior motives, we carry expectations that look to be met, instead of acting out of unconditional love (as Jesus demonstrated).  A few months ago CTV news shared a story from Milton, Ontario where a 21 year old shared her liver with the mother next door.  You may want to look up the video on the CTV website and judge for yourself as to the motives.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Central Alberta begins "Neighbourhood Life"

"Neighbourhod Life" is a movement in Central Alberta where community development is taken seriously in the neighbourhood.  It takes Jesus seriously when he said, "Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul and strength, and love your neighbour as yourself."  For the next four months, seven neighbourhoods in Central Alberta will take their neighbourhoods seriously, in an effort to awaken the power of families and neighbourhoods.  These seven neighbourhoods will begin to shape what others can join come April/May.  Stories are shared, as are tools and ideas.  Block parties are high on the list and always end with one neighbour asking why this is not done more often.  Spending time listening and learning about your neighbours is essential.  Sharing a meal seems to always be helpful. A few things to check out if this interests you:  The "Neighbourhood Engagement Weekend" at Camp Nakanum (NW of Edmonton) on March 7-9.  The Inhabit conference at the end of April.  See: to register.  And check out the book, "The Abundant Community."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Skipping Christmas

Neighbourhood Life is about awakening the power of families and neighbourhoods.  Here you will find stories, insights and challenges from life in various neighbourhoods throughout Central Alberta.  The greatest commandment includes, 'to love your neighbour as yourself' and when this is taken seriously so much happens that make neighbours say, "Why don't we do this more often."

Grisham's book, "Skipping Christmas" is one to make you tear up with joy.  Ironically, Christmas was filled with joy and the idea of skipping it was more stressful in the end for the family.  Read the book or watch the movie, "Christmas with the Kranks" and you will see the neighbours rally around the Kranks!  There is no doubt Christmas is prime opportunity to share the joy with neighbours.  Bring a meal, host a party, or simply enjoy the fireworks that the neighbourhood wants to share (which are some of the pleasures that we shared in our neighbourhood this season).  Others have told me how they shared Christmas with neighbours.  If you have a story, you may share it here.